Micro-Kleen3™ is a ready to use cleaner disinfectant that provides effective disinfection in primary care centres, hospitals, surgical centres, dental offices, dental labs and the many other areas where strict control of cross contamination is critical. Micro-Kleen3’s surfactant rich formula will quickly loosen and clean both wet & dried bodily fluids and other organic and non-organic soil from surfaces.
- Â It safely and effectively disinfects environmental and equipment surfaces such as: operating room lights & tables, lasik devices, slit lamps, tonometer devices, IV pumps, chest pumps, EMS equipment, examination room fixtures, dialysis machine surfaces, infant care equipment & incubators, oxygen hoods, respiratory therapy & anesthesia equipment surfaces, laboratory surfaces as well as other contaminated items.
- Will pre-clean blood-soiled surgical instruments prior to handling during the terminal cleaning and reprocessing steps by SPD and nursing personnel.
- Is safe for use on inanimate surfaces including plastics (polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polycarbonate and polystyrene), stainless steel, brass, aluminum, chrome, acrylic, vinyl, glass, Plexiglas®, and baked-on painted surfaces.
- Leaves no hazardous chemical residue when used as directed.
- Contains no dangerous phenols, caustic hydrogen peroxide, toxic chlorine or staining dyes.
- Exceeds blood-borne pathogen requirements for disinfection in healthcare facilities and is formulated following strict Good Manufacturing Practices.